Imposing live native editable artwork can result in a number of issues, you can make ImposePlus a lot more reliable by imposing linked files and not native art
Processing is faster as its quicker to copy/duplicate a single linked PDF page than copy complicated artwork
Eliminates errors as each page is linked to a PDF file and cannot be altered in any way (When copying/rotating artwork, Clipping masks, gradients, strokes, and other effects can be altered when imposing native artwork or mess up the sizing or dozens of unforeseen issues, such as leaving a layer or single shape locked, or having hidden guides or shapes on your artboards)
Small Imposed Illustrator Files - Turn off “Create PDF compatible File” when saving the imposed AI file, and you will have a very small AI file that you can edit later on
Smaller PDF files (Since pages are duplicated, the PDF created is more efficiently created)
Work with other programmes (Use PDF files created from InDesign, CorelDraw, Word or any other program) without the need to edit it or deal with font issues
Easily update an Imposition, Just edit the original file, re-export to the PDF, and re-open the saved Imposed AI file, Illustrator will update the links and your imposition now has the most recent changes - with the need to reimpose.