Table of Contents

What is Transform+

Transform + allows you to apply mathematical functions to the size, position, color etc of a shape.

Why is this needed?

Illustrator has a Transform Each tool, however while you can scale and move shapes you are limited in setting their size and other settings. With basic settings Transfrom+ allows you to do everything the Transform Each tool does, however when you start using mathematical functions you have a very powerful tool to manipulating your artwork.

How does it work

For every shape selected the script gets a list of properties for the shape, You can then use these as variables to alter the shapes size, position, stroke and fill. The key feature is that you can use any variable in any field to calculate values - this can create some very powerful transformations.



Here you can define variables to be used in other sections, Use to pre-calculate or as a basic options menu allowing the user to easily change settings.


Set a condition to filter the selection, If the result is false then the shape it not selected.


All user selected items are in an array. Use this to pre-sort the items by criteria, such as color, width, area.


Make copies of the selection rather than loop through the selection. The selected items will be treated as a group.


Change the size of the shape


Rotate the Shape



See table below for special color variables aviavable in this section


Set or modify the fill color See table below for special color variables aviavable in this section


This will run Javascript code on each shape being transformed, giving you extra control on modifying the shape.

These are the variables passed to the code


Set a condition which will delete the shape if it returns true


Complex Examples

See the pre-saved defaults that come with the install.

Variables and Functions (Technical bit)

Below are the variable, operators and functions you can use.

Shape Variables

Variable Type Description
area number area of the shape as calculated by illustrator, Maybe a negative number depending on path direction.
closed 1 = true
0 = false
true of the shape is closed, false if it is open
stroked 1 = true
0 = false
true if the shape has a stroke
strokeWidth number the Width of the stroke in points
stroke color (see below) the stroke color
filled 1 = true
0 = false
true if the shape is filled
fill color (see below) the fill color
opacity number the opacity 0 - 100
x number the shapes x coordinate in points
y number the shapes y coordinate in points
height number the shapes height in points
width number the shapes width in points
typename string A shapes typename such as PathItem, CompoundPathItem, GroupItem, MeshItem, RasterItem, SymbolItem, PlacedItem, TextFrame, TextPath
Refer to the Javascript scripting reference for a full list of typenames

References to other objects / shapes

These objects give you access to the variables of other shapes

Variable Type/Properties Description
start. shape

For Example
Refers to the starting variables of the shape, for example if you set the value of a shape it changes, you can refer to start.width to get the value of the width before any changes were made
first. shape

For Example
Refers to the FIRST shape in the selection, this is also the LAST shape selected by the user, you can use this to align all shapes to the first shape. \\For example you can set the x position of all elements to be the same as the first
previous. shape

For Example
Refers to the previous shape, for example to but fit the current shape to the previous shape you can set the x position
previous.x + previous.width 
artboard artboard.x
The artboard size, properties are x, y, height, width
for example to set the width of a shape to half the artboard width use
artboard.width/ 2
selection selection.x
The selection size, properties are x, y, height, width plus also count which is the number of shapes in the selection

Other Variables

In addition to the shape variables you can also use

Variable Type Description
index number The index of the shape, if 5 shapes are selected then this will range form 0 to 4
count number When using the copies features, count is the copy number, First copy count is 0

Color Variables

Color values can be referenced using dot notation for example fill.cyan

Variable Shorthand* Type Description
mode string either 'RGB' or 'CMYK'
cyan C number 0 - 100
magenta M number 0 - 100
yellow Y number 0 - 100
black K number 0 - 100
red R number 0 - 255
green G number 0 - 255
blue B number 0 - 255

* Color Shorthand

These only work in the fill and stroke color settings, these directly relate to the fill or stroke colour , you can just use the capital letter of the color you want to use , they are C, M, Y, K, R, G, B

For example if you wanted to divide the cyan value by two instead of writing

fill.cyan / 2

you can just write

C / 2


Size finctions

Operator Returns Description
mm(n) points Convert n milimeters to points
cm(n) points Convert n centimeters to points
m(n) points Convert n meters to points
inch(n) points Convert n inches to points
foot(n) points Convert n feet to points

Unary operators (math)

Operator Description
-x Negation
+x Unary plus. This converts it's operand to a number, but has no other effect.
x! Factorial (x * (x-1) * (x-2) * … * 2 * 1). gamma(x + 1) for non-integers.
abs x Absolute value (magnatude) of x
acos x Arc cosine of x (in radians)
acosh x Hyperbolic arc cosine of x (in radians)
asin x Arc sine of x (in radians)
asinh x Hyperbolic arc sine of x (in radians)
atan x Arc tangent of x (in radians)
atanh x Hyperbolic arc tangent of x (in radians)
ceil x Ceiling of x — the smallest integer that’s >= x
cos x Cosine of x (x is in radians)
cosh x Hyperbolic cosine of x (x is in radians)
exp x e^x (exponential/antilogarithm function with base e)
floor x Floor of x — the largest integer that’s <= x
length x String length of x
ln x Natural logarithm of x
log x Natural logarithm of x (synonym for ln, not base-10)
log10 x Base-10 logarithm of x
not x Logical NOT operator
round x X, rounded to the nearest integer, using “gradeschool rounding”
sin x Sine of x (x is in radians)
sinh x Hyperbolic sine of x (x is in radians)
sqrt x Square root of x. Result is NaN (Not a Number) if x is negative.
tan x Tangent of x (x is in radians)
tanh x Hyperbolic tangent of x (x is in radians)
trunc x Integral part of a X, looks like floor(x) unless for negative number

Predefined Functions

Function Description
random(n) Get a random number in the range [0, n). If n is zero, or not provided, it defaults to 1.
fac(n) n! (factorial of n: “n * (n-1) * (n-2) * … * 2 * 1”) Deprecated. Use the ! operator instead.
min(a,b,…) Get the smallest (minimum) number in the list
max(a,b,…) Get the largest (maximum) number in the list
hypot(a,b) Hypotenuse, i.e. the square root of the sum of squares of its arguments.
pyt(a, b) Alias for hypot
pow(x, y) Equivalent to x^y. For consistency with JavaScript's Math object.
atan2(y, x) Arc tangent of x/y. i.e. the angle between (0, 0) and (x, y) in radians.
if(c, a, b) Function form of c ? a : b

Operator Precedence

Operator Associativity Description
(…) None Grouping
f(), x.y Left Function call, property access
! Left Factorial
^ Right Exponentiation
+, -, not, sqrt, etc. Right Unary prefix operators (see below for the full list)
*, /, % Left Multiplication, division, remainder
+, -, || Left Addition, subtraction, concatenation
==, !=, >=, ⇐, >, < Left Equals, not equals, etc.
and Left Logical AND
or Left Logical OR
x ? y : z Right Ternary conditional (if x then y else z)

Release Notes