
Templator - for Adobe Illustrator

Templator is a PowerScript to automatically open document templates, specifically for creating proof and approvals for customers.

Templator - for Adobe Illustrator

Templator is a PowerScript to automatically open document templates, specifically for creating proof and approvals for customers.

Templator will

  • Open or Place a template file into a new or existing document
  • Create a new artboard
  • Move the template to a new locked layer
  • Copy the selected artwork in the current document and place it on the template
  • Ask the user for custom information, such as job number, clients name, job title
  • Automatically replace text in the document such as date, name and any other text you want
  • Connect to a URL to get information from a website or database, for example, enter in a job number and return the job name and customer details
  • Create a folder and subfolders based on the information entered
  • Save the AI file
  • Export a PDF file

Typical uses

  • Create a job folder with sub-folders and save a blank working file.
  • Copy the selected artwork and create an approval from on a new artboard
  • Add an approval form to the current

See Documentation for more details

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