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barcode-ps [2024/10/05 23:02] – [Options] o2adminbarcode-ps [2024/10/05 23:02] (current) – [Layout Options Tab] o2admin
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   * **Include Check In Text by Default** - For Symbologies with check digits, include in the text by default   * **Include Check In Text by Default** - For Symbologies with check digits, include in the text by default
   * **Rasterize Vector to** If you want the barcode in Illustrator Rasterised, select this option and the resolution. The vector code will be rasterised as CMYK or RGB based on the document color mode.    * **Rasterize Vector to** If you want the barcode in Illustrator Rasterised, select this option and the resolution. The vector code will be rasterised as CMYK or RGB based on the document color mode. 
-  * **Anti-Alias Text in Raster Formats** This option enables the text to be anti-aliased when creating or exporting raster codes. 
   * **Add Label with Symbology Type** Include a label under the code with the name of the symbology used   * **Add Label with Symbology Type** Include a label under the code with the name of the symbology used
   *** Add Label with Code Contents**  Include a label under the code with the code text used to generate the code, Useful to document  codes without text   *** Add Label with Code Contents**  Include a label under the code with the code text used to generate the code, Useful to document  codes without text