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Crop Marks PowerScript


Options Tab

  • Length The Length of the line
  • Offset How far away from the edge of the shape to start the line, this can be a negative number top create internal crop marks
  • Bleed How much bleed in the artwork
  • Style Select the style of crop mark to create
  • Create corner crop marks Create crop marks in the corner of the shape - this is traditionally
    • Add corner crop marks to grouped and complex shapes If unticked you must select just ONE single shape to base the size of the crop marks off, if ticked the selected size will be assumed to be the final artwork
  • Detect and add crop marks to straight lines in single shapes With this option you can create crop marks for irregular shapes such as triangles any polygons. you must select just ONE vector shape and not multiple shapes or groups for this to work.
    • Assume all lines as straight By default only straight lines which can be cut with a knife have crop marks added, selecting this option will add crop marks for all line segments.

Release Notes

Version 1.6.0

  • Requries 3.4.2
  • CC1028 compatability fixes

Version 1.5.0

  • Added 5 different corner crop mark styles